How to eat to grow your muscles?

    Success is achieved not only following example of others, but also by understanding the reason for pursuing a particular plan of action.

   In this article we will cover what you should eat if you are an competitive bodybuilder, in order to maintain and grow your muscles.

* 8 weeks to 10 before competing
* 2 weeks before competing
* day before competing
* day of competition
* after competing

8 weeks to 10 before competing
Breakfast: three or four eggs and a small piece of toast. 
                 vitamins and minerals
Lunch: large piece of fish, baked potato or rice. For variations of the menu use beef, veal and liver. Add string beans or small tomato. 
Snack: pears, apple, grapes.
Dinner: to keep protein intake high and fat to minimum use chicken or fish. Same menu as lunch. 

2 weeks before competing
- eliminate bread and rice and cut down to one baked potato a day.
- keep eggs intake to 3 or 4.
- as meats use chicken and fish.
- use fruits only before going to gym.
- increase the intake of mineral and vitamins by 1/4 of the usual amount.

Day of competition:
- in the morning, 2 hours before prejudging, 2 eggs, potatoes and bread.
- snack: fruits.
- lunch: beef with baked potato.

After competing
- breakfast: two eggs, a glass of fresh orange juice.
food that helps build muscle when to eat protein for muscle gain what to eat to grow muscle fast
Food that help muscle growth and development
- lunch - increase slightly the intake of carbohydrates, gradually working your way back to a normal diet, preventing drastic changes in weight and accumulation of fat. 
- as you begin to taper off the training schedule, adapt to a decreased intake of protein, which should be eaten in the proportion of the amount of time spend working out.

* always use fresh, natural ingredients and keep the food combinations simple.
* try to avoid candies, pies or sweets as well foods that have no nutritional values and do not play a role in muscular growth. These includes hot dogs, hamburgers, butter, soft drinks, package crackers, canned and frozen drinks. 
* start your meal by eating the meat, fish or chicken, and after the carbohydrates (baked potato, rice).

Training up to 1 hour, 5-6 times a week

2 eggs any style
1 slice bread
1 glass fresh orange juice
1 cup coffee
1 glass water

Any meat or 1/2 chicken
1 baked potato
1 glass water

Fruits, nuts, seeds

Fish cooked any way except fried,
1 glass water

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